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Call of the Day: Should I Come Out Of Retirement To Save Lives?

By Dr. Laura on August 10, 2021
Call of the Day: Should I Come Out Of Retirement To Save Lives?

Week of Character, Courage & Conscience: Terry is questioning ending his retirement and returning to the medical field to aid in the battle against the pandemic.

Dr. Laura: "True heroes knowingly put themselves in harm's way for the sake of others."


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πŸ’‘Would you prefer to stay in retirement or do the right thing?

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πŸ”ŠClick to hear more calls about CHARACTER, COURAGE & CONSCIENCE


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Order Dr. Laura's book: "How Could You Do That?!: The Abdication of Character, Courage and Conscience" - illustrates Dr. Laura Schlessinger's philosophy of personal responsibility through her usually provocative but always stimulating moral dialogues with callers about everyday ethical dilemmas.

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