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Topic: Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: You Helped Me Do the Right Thing
By Dr. Laura on June 17, 2024

I began listening to you about a year ago, and I fell in love with your unfiltered and straight-forward wisdom. Today, with your encouragement ringing in my ears, I did the right thing.

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Do The Right Thing

Call of the Day: Where Do I Fit into This Puzzle?
By Dr. Laura on May 31, 2024

Natalie can tell that her two foster daughters suffer emotionally after every visit with their biological family, but is it her place to do something about it?

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Don't Do It If Your Mom Wouldn't Be Proud
By Dr. Laura on May 14, 2024

My bride and I have been married for 43 years. During the first 20 years of marriage, I was in the Navy. We used this time to learn to communicate, listen, and trust each other. We have a...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Because of You I Have an Amazing Life
By Dr. Laura on April 18, 2024

I wanted to express my greatest gratitude. It is because of you that I have the most amazing life and family. I am 47 years old, and I am a dentist. While I did practice for a good part of...

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Do The Right Thing

Call of the Day: Should We Donate Part of Our Inheritance to Charity?
By Dr. Laura on March 29, 2024

Steve and his wife inherited a large amount of money from his father-in-law and it's causing conflict in his marriage because Steve thinks they should donate some of the money to charity.

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Do The Right Thing

Call of the Day Podcast: Is It Wrong to Break My Promise?
By Dr. Laura on March 12, 2024

Amanda wants to back out of a promise to take care of her grandparents, but is she willing to confront the consequences of breaking her word?

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Do The Right Thing

Call of the Day Podcast: How Can I Ever Forgive Myself?
By Dr. Laura on January 29, 2024

Kristin can't stop beating herself up for the abortion she had decades ago.

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Do The Right Thing Deep Dive

Deep Dive: Taking Personal Responsibility
By Dr. Laura on January 25, 2024

This week's Deep Dive is all about taking personal responsibility. Admitting your mistakes or wrongdoing is important to the development of your character.

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: The Importance of Being on Time
By Dr. Laura on January 16, 2024

I grew up in a household where we were always on time, and I think less of people who are constantly late. They seem to feel their time is more important than the rest of us.

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