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Topic: Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing

Call of the Day Podcast: You Gave Me The Gift of Thankfulness
By Dr. Laura on November 22, 2022

Erica calls Dr. Laura with thanks for helping her learn how to appreciate her husband and the joys of being a stay-at-home mom.

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: My Teenage Friends Wanted Me to Disobey My Parents
By Dr. Laura on November 16, 2022

Growing up, I was never allowed to watch PG-13 movies unless pre-approved by my parents. When I was 15, this rule was still in place. I was out with my teenage friends and they wanted to...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: My Husband Was There When I Didn’t Know I Needed Him
By Dr. Laura on October 24, 2022

When I was two hours away from home after visiting family, I hit a deer as I was driving. I had never hit and killed an animal before, so I was shaken up. I called my husband and told him...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: My Dad Knew I Cared
By Dr. Laura on October 10, 2022

My father had dementia and lived in a care facility. The deterioration of his personality was a big challenge for me to cope with, and was the hardest thing I ever went through. But I...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Did the Right Thing in Spite of My Fear
By Dr. Laura on October 6, 2022

I work with at-risk high school students. One of my male students comes into school smelling badly from not showering or washing clothes regularly, making it miserable for those around...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: The Power of Hugs
By Dr. Laura on October 3, 2022

My stepfather married my mom when I was seven, and we ranched, did cattle drives, hunted, and fished. He taught me everything he knew about the outdoors, and we did everything together. He...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Looked in the Mirror and Knew What To Do
By Dr. Laura on September 30, 2022

I once heard you tell a woman to β€œlook in the mirror” when she was trying to work out a problem. That phrase hit me right between the eyes. I worked for the police force in Toronto for 25...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Two Important Words I Taught My Sons
By Dr. Laura on September 22, 2022

I raised two boys and was mindful that they needed to become thoughtful and respectful men. They knew what two words from my mouth meant, and they were β€œHelp Her.” This applied to opening...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: My Roadmap For Choosing Wisely
By Dr. Laura on September 1, 2022

A while ago, I heard you say something to the effect of β€œI am so tired of women in America dating just anyone instead of choosing. You have the freedom to choose. Stop settling for whoever...

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