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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Two Important Words I Taught My Sons

By Dr. Laura on September 22, 2022
Email of the Day: Two Important Words I Taught My Sons

I raised two boys and was mindful that they needed to become thoughtful and respectful men. They knew what two words from my mouth meant, and they were “Help Her.” This applied to opening doors, carrying packages, picking up dropped items, and reaching top shelves at the store. After a while, I didn’t need to even say them, because they automatically provided assistance. I was the only mother in the neighborhood who insisted my sons address the other parents as “Mr. and Mrs.” When others told me it wasn’t necessary, I replied it was necessary to me, because it demonstrated respect.


I’m older and frail now. I struggle to open heavy doors and separate grocery carts. Some days I get discouraged and saddened by younger people impatiently pushing by me and offering no assistance, when it would be so easy for them. But a few days ago, I had a pleasant surprise. I was going to load groceries into my car, when a man with three teenage boys made eye contact and I heard my two words – help her – come out of his mouth. The boys jumped into action, quickly packed my trunk and said “good day, ma’am!” That made my day and made me smile with gratitude.


So, remember that the old lady struggling could be your mother or grandmother. Please “help her” and take the time to open doors or pick up bags. Make your mother proud!


Mother of Good Sons

Two Important Words I Taught My Sons




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