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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: My Roadmap For Choosing Wisely

By Dr. Laura on September 1, 2022
Email of the Day: My Roadmap For Choosing Wisely

A while ago, I heard you say something to the effect of β€œI am so tired of women in America dating just anyone instead of choosing. You have the freedom to choose. Stop settling for whoever asks you out.” So, I made a list of qualities the guy I would choose would have to have and things he couldn’t have:


1. He had to have a car.

2. He had to have a career or be working toward one.

3. He had to be at least 25 years old

4. He had to be of good moral character.

5. He couldn’t have problems with drugs or alcohol

6. He couldn’t have issues with the law.

7. He couldn’t be someone who plays games in relationships.


One year later, I met my husband of 24 years. The only thing he missed the mark on was that, at the time, he was 23 years old instead of 25.



My Roadmap For Choosing Wisely




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