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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Did the Right Thing in Spite of My Fear

By Dr. Laura on October 6, 2022
Email of the Day: I Did the Right Thing in Spite of My Fear

I work with at-risk high school students. One of my male students comes into school smelling badly from not showering or washing clothes regularly, making it miserable for those around him. I’ve thought for weeks about what to do, and even asked the principal to speak with him, because it made me uncomfortable.


Then I realized that you, Dr. Laura, would have no tolerance for someone who was too much of a weenie to handle things themselves. I thought of all those callers you’ve had who excuse themselves from doing the right thing because β€œit’s just too hard!” I took a deep breath, literally and figuratively, asked to speak with the student privately, and gave it to him straight. I told him he had to shower and wash his clothes before coming to school, and he simply said β€œOkay. I will.” That was it. It was that simple! I then told my principal, who said he was very impressed with me. I was so proud of myself for doing what I needed to do, even though it was hard and I was scared.


Thank you for being the voice in my head when I am tempted to make excuses for things I know I need to do.



I Did the Right Thing in Spite of My Fear



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