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Topic: Do The Right Thing

Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: My Son Learned Two Lessons About Doing the Right Thing
By Dr. Laura on December 14, 2023

When my son was still a child, he really wanted a game for his gaming system. He and I went to the store, but the game was out of our budget, so we decided to wait. When we got back to our...

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Do The Right Thing

Call of the Day Podcast: What Should I Do Now?
By Dr. Laura on November 24, 2023

Krissy's daughter had her sweatshirt taken at school. Krissy's daughter tried to get her sweatshirt back but the boy who "borrowed" her shirt began to lie. Now that the boy is lying, Krissy...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: We Were Proud Our Son Fought Back
By Dr. Laura on November 6, 2023

My husband and I have four sons. At school, one of our sons got involved in an altercation with another boy. As reported by the school, the other boy started it, and even began CHOKING my...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Complete Strangers Saved Me From Harm
By Dr. Laura on August 31, 2023

I was on the freeway in the middle of a very bad part of the city where I live when I blew a tire. I got off the next exit and drove into a gas station to call a tow truck. The sun was...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Life Lessons I Passed On To My Sons
By Dr. Laura on August 7, 2023

When I was growing up, my father and grandfather both told me β€œYou have just one reason to do the right thing and that is that it is the right thing!” That has served me well through my...

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Do The Right Thing

Blog: Are You Forgiving for All the Right Reasons?
By Dr. Laura on July 10, 2023

Forgiveness should not be thrown around like confetti. I get very frustrated hearing how many of you go through tragic situations in your family, relationship or marriage, and then get...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: Feminism Negatively Impacted My Marriage
By Dr. Laura on June 8, 2023

I’m married almost 20 years, with no children, other than the four-legged kind, and my husband and I still adore each other. I find it interesting that women with children and those...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: The School System Failed My Husband
By Dr. Laura on April 14, 2023

When I first met my husband, he could hardly read or write, even though he was intelligent and capable, so I couldn’t figure out what was going on. He said that in his school, the teachers...

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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: A Couple I Know Refused to Abort Their Child
By Dr. Laura on March 14, 2023

Years ago, a couple in our church found out that their unborn daughter had spinal bifida and they were pressured by their doctors to terminate the pregnancy. They refused, but the pressure...

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