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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: The School System Failed My Husband

By Dr. Laura on April 14, 2023
Boy in white shirt sits on the ground next to a school desk and chair

When I first met my husband, he could hardly read or write, even though he was intelligent and capable, so I couldn’t figure out what was going on. He said that in his school, the teachers never wanted the boys to act like boys. He was held back because he didn’t learn like others, was put on Adderall for ADD and was made to feel stupid by his teachers. In his mind, the solution was to just become what they already thought he was – a dumb, ill-behaved boy. I convinced him that just because he wasn’t taught these things didn’t mean he was dumb. With a little practice, he could still learn.



Many years later, he’s now confident, well-read and a world history buff! He finally understands that the school system failed him. They didn’t have time for his special needs, so they stuck him with all the kids with behavioral issues. He asked me to homeschool our boys, so they wouldn’t have to experience the same humiliation and mistreatment that he did. He wants them to be proud that they are boys and grow up to be good men. While I quivered inside at the thought of homeschooling, I said I would do it, because he was right.



The School System Failed My Husband


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