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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: A Couple I Know Refused to Abort Their Child

By Dr. Laura on March 14, 2023
Pregnant woman in grey shirt holds tablet with uterus image in front of her belly

Years ago, a couple in our church found out that their unborn daughter had spinal bifida and they were pressured by their doctors to terminate the pregnancy. They refused, but the pressure continued until the child’s father slammed his hand on a table and said β€œwe will not abort this child!”



I’ve watched this child grow from a baby to a young lady, spending every day in a wheelchair. I’ve seen her bounce in her chair with joy when she is happy. I’ve seen her maneuver her chair up steps when she goes to babysit my grandchildren. I’ve seen her learn to drive. But most amazing, I’ve watched her create a non-profit organization called β€œRolling in Faith” that serves people living with disabilities through events, camps, and other training, all done in a faith-based setting. This little organization is growing every year as she works in ways that no able-bodied person can, serving the disabled in our community. I’m in awe as I watch the work that she does and I’ve realized that none of this would have happened if her parents had listened to their doctors and aborted this precious child.


Thank you for your voice and for standing for all children, both born and unborn.



A Couple I Know Refused To Abort Their Child


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