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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: The Importance of Being on Time

By Dr. Laura on January 16, 2024
Woman and man both hold onto red alarm clock while sitting up in bed

I grew up in a household where we were always on time, and I think less of people who are constantly late. They seem to feel their time is more important than the rest of us.


I find it calming by being on time. I’m not rushed, but I know some people are β€œadrenaline junkies” and live for the rush of running late. When I was dating one guy, his mother told me never to take it personally, but her son was always late. I was perplexed, because their son that NEVER been late in picking me up for a date. In fact, he was often early. I had no clue he was rarely on time.


I realized he thought I was worthy enough of respect to be on time, and to me that was a sign of good character. He is now my husband.




The Importance of Being on Time


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- September 10, 2024
