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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: A Note From a Next-Generation Listener

By Dr. Laura on April 9, 2021
Email of the Day: A Note From a Next-Generation Listener

I heard you read a listener email the other week, which ended with the line “I hope the next generation can be open to you.” Well, I am part of that next generation, and I couldn’t agree more. I’m 19 and in college, and I not only hear you, but I really listen to you.


You’ve changed my world, from improving interactions with my parents and sister, to how I think about my future husband and family. You often tell a story about throwing starfish from the sand back into the ocean, saying it’s impossible to save every starfish from drying out on the sand, but for the individual starfish tossed into the ocean, you can make a difference. I am that starfish that has been tossed back.


I wish more of my peers understood the importance of the morals, values and principles you espouse, as it is much easier to stick with them in early adulthood than to veer from them and try to come back. Thank you for everything. I look forward to many more years of your program.



A Note From A Next-Generation Listener




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