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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: A Note From One of Your Starfish

By Dr. Laura on March 7, 2024
Hand holds up orange starfish against a background of ocean water

I want to send you a note of great thanks. You have changed my life for the better in almost every aspect. You thank people for calling in because it helps others, and nothing could be more true.


Your guidance has helped me to see how the choices I've made have impacted my children. I love the stories you tell and how they relate to a particular teaching or situation. The starfish story is my favorite.


Occasionally, when I'm struggling, I picture myself as a starfish crawling up on the beach in the wrong direction. Then I picture you picking me up by one point and throwing me back in the water. It's like that scene from the movie β€œMoonstruck” when Cher slaps Nicholas Cage across the face and yells, "Snap Out of it!” That's what I hear you saying as you throw me back in the ocean.


Thank you for all you do for everyone.




Mary Kate

A Note From One of Your Starfish


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