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Email of the Day: All a Good Man Wants Is a Good Woman

By Dr. Laura on March 31, 2022
Email of the Day: All a Good Man Wants Is a Good Woman

The most beautiful women are the ones who are selfless. I love it when I look at a woman’s page on social media and it’s nice and sweet – no β€œclub” pictures, no pictures of her at a mirror, no vulgar, drama-filled updates. What good men really want is a good woman. Period! Give a man your undivided attention, time and affection and he will give you love and respect. If you nurture him, mend his wounds and encourage his dreams, he will lay down his life for you. A real man takes pride in being a man, and will sacrifice everything if it puts one smile on his woman’s face. He’ll go to the ends of the earth to provide for the right woman.


Take pride in being a woman. We men long for the woman who allows us to take the lead, not to control you, but to protect you. Let us clear the path so your walk will be made easy. We love you, we need you, and we want you to understand that the way you treat us and yourself dictates the way that we treat you. Understand that your beauty and value are not defined by how you look or what you own, but by your heart and its ability to give and receive love.



All a Good Man Wants Is a Good Woman





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