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Email of the Day: Grit, Grace and Grief

By Dr. Laura on January 29, 2021
Email of the Day: Grit, Grace and Grief

My mother died suddenly last year on my husband’s birthday, and I’m now the oldest living female on my mother’s side. Despite several health issues, my mother was an avid runner, and walker. She was Italian, from Brooklyn, and took no prisoners. She was passionate about family and faith. Gritty and graceful is how I would describe her. We always lived around the corner from my parents, and now it’s even more of a gift to be there for my dad, as my husband, my son and I spend time with him.


Also last year, I called in to tell you that “You are the matriarch” was a memorable phrase I had heard you say, and then you said it directly to me when I told you my story. I was thrilled. When you said that I was now the matriarch, that gave me the courage to speak up and not allow a family member to continue to ask my father for money. Prior to that, thousands of dollars were sent to her.


With my mother on one shoulder and you on the other, I spoke the truth to my father about what was going on. You’ve also helped me get through the grief with your words of wisdom and consistent message of how I want to live my life between “now and dead.” I am forever grateful to you.


Thank you.


Leah “The Matriarch”

Grit, Grace and Grief





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