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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: I Felt Powerless After My Parents Divorced

By Dr. Laura on July 12, 2023
Young girl crosses arms and looks down while man and woman argue with each other behind her

I heard you take a call from a 12-year-old girl whose divorced (and absent) father was concerned she wasn’t calling him every day. After the girl said she loved her father but was angry at him, you were honest with her as to the reality of who her father really was. At that point, I realized you were describing MY father, and I was that sad 12-year-old girl!



It dawned on me that I wished there had been someone in my life at that time who would have been honest with me. I was the girl who wasn’t able to speak up about what I felt about my father or how it seemed like my life was being ripped out from under me. I was expected to accept his new wife, who he married very soon after his divorce from my mom, and her daughter, and it was assumed we were to become one big, happy family. Unfortunately, I felt powerless and it certainly affected my entire life. How I wish there had been a Dr. Laura for me at that age to help me through that unpleasant part of my life. Men need to understand how they damage the lives of their children just so THEY can have the life they think they want.


Thank you for giving the power back to that girl who called you and for saying what needs to be said no matter how hard it may be.




I Felt Powerless After My Parents Divorced


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