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Email of the Day: I Gave My Children the Tools They Needed

By Dr. Laura on May 28, 2024
Little girl puts a watermelon in a shopping cart in a grocery store while woman stands behind it

I was a schoolteacher for many years and paused to raise my kids. During this time, I cleaned homes on the side to make some money. Every morning, I would turn on the radio and listen to you. While listening recently, I couldn't help but think how the young people of today are still asking dumb questions β€” β€œHow do I communicate when things get rough?” or β€œShould I break up with my horrible boyfriend?” I had no problem in speaking my truth. My kids loved to tease me when I'd give them an interesting pearl of wisdom by asking, "Did Dr. Laura say that today?”   



I’m proud to say my three kiddos are now adults and raising their own children! I’m very happy to have passed on the necessary life skills to become successful humans. It’s scary to raise children nowadays with all the bad influences from the media and society.  


I am finally retiring at 80 after a fruitful career in teaching. I'm not sure what the next chapter will bring in the twilight of my life, but I hope and pray that it will be just as fulfilling. Bless you for what you do for humanity.   




I Gave My Children the Tools They Needed


Do you feel like your children are equipped for success? Tell me what you did to prepare them by sending an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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