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Bad Childhood

Email of the Day: I Used To Believe I Was a Bad Child

By Dr. Laura on November 11, 2022
Email of the Day: I Used To Believe I Was a Bad Child

My mother was not a “mommy.” I remember telling her that she might love me, but she didn’t like me. Ten years ago, I moved to my parents’ neighborhood thinking that would be a great way to improve the relationship. I told a friend that I felt like my mom liked me now. But it turned out not to be what I had hoped for, and we have since moved away.


She’s 84 now, widowed and still mean. You have taught me through your show and your books that it has nothing to do with me. She has her own issues that she has never dealt with and that’s not my problem. I do struggle with what to do now that she is aging, but I’m listening to you for guidance. I have a wonderful marriage and two adult daughters who have great husbands, and I’m a grandma to one little girl and another on the way.


I finally have the parent/child relationship I’ve always wanted, but this time I’M the parent. One of my daughters wrote us thanking us for a wonderful childhood and she hoped for a marriage like ours. I re-read that letter periodically and reassure myself that, despite not having a warm childhood myself, I knew how to create one for my kids.



I Used To Believe I Was a Bad Child


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