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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Went From Upside Down to Right-Side Up

By Dr. Laura on September 17, 2021
Email of the Day: I Went From Upside Down to Right-Side Up

When I started listening to you, I was neither a girlfriend to my husband, nor was I a very good mommy to my kidlets. You quickly convinced me I needed to become both, and fast. But the change seemed too enormous, and I hardly knew where to begin. So I started to smile. And it has made all the difference in the world.


My husband used to come home to a stressed-out wife who was overwhelmed with responsibilities, and who always had four million things on her mind that hadn't been done yet. Now he comes home to a wife who is delighted to see him. Every time he walks in the door, no matter what I am doing, and no matter the "to-do" list scrolling through my brain, I put on a smile and suddenly, he becomes the only thing on my list of things "to-do" (wink wink).


My children used to have a mommy who felt unprepared to raise and mother them--a mommy who was constantly tired, and who couldn't even just keep up with them. Now, when they come downstairs in the morning, I greet them with a huge smile and a hug. And for just a moment the breakfast and lunch dishes I haven't done all disappear. When school is over, I greet them with a huge smile and a hug, and nothing else matters.


Dr. Laura, you have turned me from upside down to right side up, and it has made all the difference in the world to my family.



I Went From Upside Down to Right-Side Up




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Order Dr. Laura's book: "How Could You Do That?!: The Abdication of Character, Courage and Conscience" - illustrates Dr. Laura Schlessinger's philosophy of personal responsibility through her usually provocative but always stimulating moral dialogues with callers about everyday ethical dilemmas.

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