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Email of the Day: My Daughter Is a “Mini-You!”

By Dr. Laura on March 15, 2023
Young woman in grey shirt holds mug to her mouth while talking to woman in red shirt

My daughter is a freshman in college. We’ve had our challenges over the years, and still don’t often see eye-to-eye. As she was growing up, I would have your program on in the car when we took long drives.



Recently, we had a conversation about an exchange between herself and a college friend. Her friend is also 18 and is involved with a much older man who has a child. Before I could comment, my daughter explained what she told her friend.


She said, “This man does not want or care about you. He has a kid already and he’s dating a teenager! The only reason he’s dating you is so that he can manipulate, control and use you. That’s why he doesn’t date women in his own age bracket. What part of this don’t you get?”


I just smiled and replied “You know who this sounds like, right? Dr. Laura!”


She simply said back to me, “Well, the truth is the truth!”


I’m glad she absorbed some of those lifelong lessons she heard during our drives!



My Daughter Is a “Mini-You!”


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