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Email of the Day: My Daughter Married A Man!!

By Dr. Laura on July 16, 2020
Email of the Day: My Daughter Married A Man!!

I want to thank you for giving me the courage to speak up in a terrible situation. Last year, we were at a football tailgate, eating with friends and family.
A young woman walked by followed closely by a guy shouting at her "Don't you dare walk away from me." Then he grabbed her arm and flung her around. I spoke up and yelled "Get your hands off of her and get going!" The young guy was obviously drunk, and he came at me, spewing a stream of filth. My new son-in-law stepped in front of me and told the guy to shut his mouth, which he did not. My son-in-law stood his ground, went nose-to-nose with the guy and told him that you don't touch women or talk to them in that manner. The drunk backed down.

I was so proud of my son-in-law! My daughter married a MAN who would protect her and her family. I'm thanking YOU because, when the guy grabbed the girl, I heard your voice saying "Would you want someone to treat YOUR daughter like this? Would you want someone to help her?" I grew my backbone and spoke up. Even though someone could have gotten hurt, I knew in my heart I did the right thing.

To send me an email, drlaura@drlaura.com πŸ’Œ



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