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Email of the Day: My Husband Is a Gift to Our Children

By Dr. Laura on March 13, 2024
Silhouette of man holding onto the hands of two boys while standing atop a grassy field

Years ago, I heard you share an impactful story on your program: A young man was on a football team, and he wasn't playing up to his ability. He feared hurting other players because of his height and strength. The young man's mother wanted to validate her son for being a caring and gentle person. But the father responded first.


"Son, you have to play hard. Your coach and team deserve your best efforts. After a tackle, extend your hand and help the other player to his feet. When you play well, you contribute to others playing well, too,” he said. Afterwards, you emphasized the different foundational roles each parent has – both mom and dad. This story was a defining moment in my parenting journey.


I thought my husband’s masculine way of doing things was too harsh for our little boys. How arrogant I was to stop him! From that day on, I let my husband parent our sons in his own way. I learned to appreciate the healthy male perspective that our sons needed.


A strong, honorable father is a gift that only my husband could give them. I'm so thankful that I got out of his way. Dr. Laura, your words of wisdom redirect us to the best path.



Forever grateful,


My Husband Is a Gift to Our Children


What makes a strong father? Click the button below or email your stories to me at drlaura@drlaura.com!


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