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Email of the Day: My Husband Is My Hero

By Dr. Laura on August 20, 2021
Email of the Day: My Husband Is My Hero

Almost two years ago, my husband woke up at 4 am to me having a grand mal seizure in our bed. He didn’t know what was happening, so he called 911 and followed their instructions to try to keep me alive. Eventually, my seizures stopped, but I wasn’t breathing. He sat with me praying and begging me to breathe while he waited for the paramedics to arrive.


When they took me in the ambulance, I was breathing, and my eyes were open, but I wasn’t conscious. Everyone was very concerned because I had gone without oxygen for several minutes. My husband stayed behind waiting for my mom to arrive so she could stay with our kids and he and my dad could get to the hospital.


While I was in the ambulance, I regained consciousness and was resting comfortably in the hospital by the time my husband got there. When he walked in, I said β€œHi, baby,” and at that moment, he fell to the ground sobbing with relief that I was still alive. Over the next few days as we grappled with my diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy, he cared for me and our children with such love and tenderness that I will never forget it. His whole life is devoted to our family. I was reminded of a favorite quote attributed to Winston Churchill:


A man does what he must, in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles, dangers and pressures, and that is the basis of all human morality.



My Husband Is My Hero


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Order Dr. Laura's book: "How Could You Do That?!: The Abdication of Character, Courage and Conscience" - illustrates Dr. Laura Schlessinger's philosophy of personal responsibility through her usually provocative but always stimulating moral dialogues with callers about everyday ethical dilemmas.

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