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Email of the Day: My Husband Loves His Warrior Wife

By Dr. Laura on March 7, 2023
Man in army uniform holds woman's hand on his leg

While my husband was deployed, he sent me the following in an email, just because he missed me:



I love you because your cheeks get big and your eyes sparkle when you smile.

I love you because you like to snuggle.

I love you because you depend on me, but you can also do it yourself.

I love you because you are a good mother to our sons.

I love you because you take care of me when I’m not able to.

I love you because you have soft skin, great boobs, and soft wet lips to kiss.

I love you because you are loving and respectable by day, and a sexy girlfriend at night.

I love you because you can’t handle more than a half-glass of wine.

I love you because you don’t jaywalk.

I love you because you are great at math.

I love you because God gave you to me.

My husband and I met when he was just out of boot camp. He supports me 100% as a stay-at-home mom. He is my warrior and I am his warrior wife. And my heart still goes pitter-patter every time I hear him come home.



My Husband Loves His Warrior Wife


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