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Email of the Day: My Kids Were Driving Me Nuts!

By Dr. Laura on January 23, 2024
Woman covers her ears while sitting on the ground with a laptop on her lap, children sit on the couch behind her

I have two young children. They’re good little kids with lively personalities, but sometimes they drive me nuts! I was thinking about how to stop being so critical of them and to be more loving, when I realized I had answered my own question.


They are KIDS, and even though my son chews with his mouth open and daughter throws a fit every time I try to fix her hair, they also give the BEST hugs and are never boring! Being their mom is a true privilege, and it’s up to me to be the kind of mom I want to be. I do not want to screw them up.


So, thanks for helping your listeners take a step back and examine their own behavior and the choices they make in their life.




My Kids Were Driving Me Nuts!


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