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Email of the Day: My Mother-In-Law Annoyed Me

By Dr. Laura on April 19, 2023
Woman wearing white blouse sits at table and holds head in her hand while woman wearing grey cardigan sits next to her and talks with her raised hands

When my husband and I were newlyweds, I struggled in my relationship with my mother-in-law. I was oversensitive and felt intimidated by her. After our sweet daughter was born, everything that was already under the surface bubbled to the top. I spent so much energy being offended and annoyed that I was exhausted!



Then I heard you talk about the things I could do to make our interactions less tense. I realized that the mother-in-law relationship was another opportunity for me to be my husband’s girlfriend! While we were dating, I never said anything negative about his mother or his family, and I did my best to make a good impression. I could certainly repeat that behavior now.


Once I tried it out, I felt happier, lighter, and able to shake off the things that would normally get under my skin. And instead of spending my time being intimidated, I spent my energy being sweet. It made me feel more loving toward my mother-in-law, and I still feel that way almost ten years later.




My Mother-In-Law Annoyed Me


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