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Email of the Day: My Mother-in-Law Is the Best!

By Dr. Laura on August 10, 2022
Email of the Day: My Mother-in-Law Is the Best!

My husbandโ€™s mother accepted me from day one of our marriage. She treated me kindly, included me in everything and always made sure there were Christmas gifts for me under the tree.


Iโ€™ve learned much from her. My parents were not very social and did not entertain, whereas my husbandโ€™s parents thrived on entertaining. My mother-in-law taught me to be a great hostess. Iโ€™ve never heard a negative comment from her โ€“ ever. When our kids were little (two have special needs), she was there for me whenever I needed her, but had a way of not overstepping her bounds. While I didnโ€™t like the way she folded our clothes or organized our drawers, I never complained. Sheโ€™s quite elderly now, and suffers from dementia. I drive 40 minutes each way to take her to doctor appointments and get her whatever she needs. I do it gladly and with much appreciation for all she has given me.


I now have a new daughter-in-law, and she is welcomed in our home as if she were one of my own. I will never criticize her or be negative about her. She makes that easy, because my son knew how to choose wisely!



My Mother-in-Law Is the Best!





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