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Email of the Day: My Parents Interfered With My Marriage

By Dr. Laura on March 13, 2023
Man in plaid shirt crosses his arms while woman in red shirt and man in blue shirt stand behind him

Last month, you read on-the-air a love letter I wrote to my wife, and I wanted to thank you as well as my wife. At the beginning of our marriage, my parents made our life pretty complicated. It took longer than it should have for me to realize the problem, but through your advice, I have handled it completely.



Instead of giving up on me, my wife turned to someone from her childhood who she knew gave the best advice – you, Dr. Laura! She started playing your program for me, and it was the best thing she could have ever done. Hearing your perspective when callers had a similar problem changed the way I viewed my own situation and forced me to put my β€œbig boy” pants on where my interfering parents were concerned. I also was terrified that my wife would call you and I’d have to hear you ream me out like the other guys who couldn’t handle their parents! I figured it would be better for me to take care of it on my own than for her to turn to you.


It wasn’t easy, but as I wrote to my wife in that love letter, every day I get to spend with her and our baby daughter is the best day I’ve had so far. I will continue to be the best husband and father than I can be, and thank you for the help you didn’t even know you gave me.



My Parents Interfered With My Marriage


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