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Email of the Day: My Silent Teen

By Dr. Laura on February 7, 2024
Teen girl sits in the drivers seat of a car while man sits in the passenger seat smiling

This email of the day is from Randy who wrote in after hearing my call with the dad of a teenaged daughter who would give him only one-word answers anytime he asked her questions. He says, 


Dear Dr. Laura,


I had one of those silent teens, and I often asked boring questions and got disdainful, one-word answers. UNTIL I discovered the key to communicating with my daughter.β€―Car rides.


No questions. No lectures. No real destination. Just driving in the country or around town. She was in charge of the radio and would eventually find something we could both sing to. I learned a lot about my daughter on those rides, even the mostly quiet ones. It was a sad day for me when she got her license. 



All the best,


My Silent Teen


As a parent, how do you meaningfully connect with your teen? Click the button below or email your stories to me at drlaura@drlaura.com!


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