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Email of the Day: My Teen Showed Me I Wasn't A Failure As A Mom

By Dr. Laura on September 12, 2023
An open hand rejects a tray of drugs

As a parent, sometimes I feel like I’m lost on a very long road. My teenagers have become so independent that they need me much less. Every once in a while, however, I see a glimmer of the fruits of my labor, and know I have been traveling down the right road all along.


One day, when I was driving with my 15-year-old son in the car, he said β€œI made a really good choice the other day, Mom.” He went on to tell me he was approached by a girl at school who asked him if he wanted to do drugs after class. He told her β€œNo, I don’t do that stuff.” After that, instead of just walking away, he went to the principal’s office and explained what had just happened. My heart swelled up with joy, and I knew not only was my son making good choices, but I was not a failure as a mom.

Thank you for helping to make change in people’s lives. I am one of the starfish you have picked up and thrown back into the sea several times!




My Teen Showed Me I Wasn't A Failure As A Mom


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