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Email of the Day: My Young Teenaged Daughter Surprised Me

By Dr. Laura on May 11, 2023
Teen girl in white dress lays on grass and reads open book in front of her

I recently bought your “10 Stupid Things…” books for my teenagers. My 16-year-old son got “10 Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives,” as he likes to listen to self-improvement books while washing dishes at work. I bought my 13-year-old daughter the book addressed to women. When it arrived, she wasn’t around, so I put it on her bookshelf with the intent of talking to her about it.



When she got up this morning, she noticed the book. She picked it up, looked at the table of contents and asked, “Is this for me?” I said, “Yes, that’s your summer reading book. I’d like you to read it and we can discuss it as you go.” As she looked through the pages, teenage eyebrows raised, she said skeptically, “This is all LOVE stuff!” I replied, “Yes, a lot of ‘love stuff’ causes women to do ‘stupid stuff,’ so you need to be aware of the pitfalls.” Again, she looked at me skeptically, turned and proceeded to walk toward her room. Thirty seconds later, I hear her yell back at me, “Wait! This book is by Dr. Laura! NOW I’m gonna read it!”


I thought you might get a giggle from that.



My Young Teenaged Daughter Surprised Me


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