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Email of the Day: Proof of a Good Parent

By Dr. Laura on April 16, 2024
Young boy hugs mom while both of them sit on the couch and read card together

My daughter is a mom of two boys, ages 15 and 12 years old.


She sent me a text recently stating, "Look at this gem I found in my blazer pocket! I haven't worn this blazer in 2 or 3 years. I was donating it but checked the pockets first, what a wonderful surprise.


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It was a drawing and note from her, now 15-year-old son who was around 12 when he gave it to her. I replied that this is a testimony to the priceless sacrifices she and her husband made so she could be a stay-at-home mom.


I love your program and admire the wisdom you share with folks so to make a fresh perspective or difference in their situation. Love you Dr. Laura!



God bless,

Deb (AKA G-ma)

Proof of a Good Parent


Have you found evidence that you are parenting the "Dr. Laura Way?" Tell me what you found by sending an email to drlaura@drlaura.com!


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