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Email of the Day: The Benefits of Retirement

By Dr. Laura on December 7, 2022
Email of the Day: The Benefits of Retirement

When my husband retired, his company held a party for him. As he went onstage to address his colleagues, I was told I would be asked to say a few words too. I only had a few minutes to think about my comments. The usual retirement “jokes” came to mind, but then I thought about all of the retirement parties we had attended where the wives complained about the idea of having their husbands home during the day.


When it was my turn to speak, I walked toward my husband and proudly put my arm through his. He smiled, but it was a smile filled with apprehension! I then told all 300 of his colleagues that for the past 30 years he showered, ate breakfast and left for the office every morning. But now he would shower, eat breakfast, and stay home with me. I looked him in the eye and exclaimed, “And I LOVE it!!!”


My husband beamed and the crowd gave us a standing ovation as we walked off the stage (and into retirement) arm in arm.



The Benefits of Retirement



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