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Email of the Day: We Agreed To Raise Our Kids The Right Way

By Dr. Laura on March 2, 2023
A pair of hands tugs at a chain with a heart as the middle link

I’ve heard many callers to your program who shove their kids in daycare and/or who have “salad” families. Then they call you wondering why their kids are acting out or don’t care to have relationships with them. These calls are not only hard for you to take, but they’re hard to listen to knowing the damage that is being done or already has been done.



I’m 37 years old and have been married to a real man for ten years. We have one daughter who is the center of our world. Before we married, we got counseling, and discussed the future and agreed to raise our kids the right way. Our daughter will never know what daycare is. She will only know the loving arms of mom, dad and grandparents. We also agreed that, should something happen to one of us, we will not remarry or date until our daughter is 18 and out of the house. It pains me to hear the calls from selfish parents who don’t make the same decision.

You have guided me through my twenties, helped me pick a real man, taught me how to be a wife, and now you are teaching me to be a mom. Thank you for your guidance, wisdom and the courage to do what is right in the midst of a world that pushes for the opposite.



We Agreed To Raise Our Kids The Right Way


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