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Email of the Day: What Is a Mother?

By Dr. Laura on June 2, 2023
Woman holds baby on her chest with her eyes closed

I came across this poem I wrote as a teenager. I am grateful I always had my mom as a role model for what a mother should be.



What Is A Mother?

A mother is a verb, not a noun.

A mother sacrifices her world to ensure her children never have to sacrifice their childhoods.

A mother knows that building character is much more difficult than achieving a friendship, and she teaches you to build your character anyway.

A mother must endure years of seemingly ungrateful and unrewarded work, but she is wise enough to understand the importance of the long-term outcome.

A mother knows that ultimately raising a successful human means making sure they are independent adults, but her actions still allow them to be dependent on her when they are children.

A mother knows that to recognize what a person values most in life, you look at where

they spend their time.

And finally, a mother doesn’t look back.



What Is a Mother?


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