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Email of the Day: Why I Homeschool My Kids

By Dr. Laura on March 6, 2023
Woman sits at table next to girl and boy

I’m a homeschooling mom to two young children. Here are some of the benefits I’ve seen from homeschooling:



1. My active son won’t be told he has ADHD for behaving like a normal boy. This is the reason many of our friends pulled their kids out of public school and now homeschool them as well.

2. In two hours a day, we accomplish more than the poor teachers in public school can with the 30 kids for whom they’re responsible.

3. My children have plenty of time to explore, play, and create.

4. No homework battles at night! When school is over, it’s over, which allows for a lot of family time in the evening.

5. My children have ample time to pursue sports and hobbies.

6. My children are free to develop their own personalities without fear of “not fitting in.”

And for those who say that my kids won’t be “socialized” like all of the other children at public school, that’s exactly why we homeschool! We have many social opportunities – sports, clubs, field trips and play dates with other homeschoolers and kids in the neighborhood – so much so that we have to frequently turn down social opportunities to allow enough time for school!

It's also rewarding when people frequently comment on how well-behaved and intelligent my children are. I’m glad we made the decision, in part thanks to you, to do the right thing for our kids.



Why I Homeschool My Kids


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