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Email of the Day: You CAN Find Prince…If You Know What’s Important

By Dr. Laura on June 24, 2022
Email of the Day: You CAN Find Prince…If You Know What’s Important

Several years ago, you talked about the qualities of a “true prince.” My ears perked up, and I decided to see how many of those qualities my husband had. Well, he turned out to be 100% true prince, down to the fact that he is not the handsomest man in the world, but in my eyes, he is absolutely the most gorgeous and hottest guy I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I see him through eyes that love everything about him.


Finding a true prince was my dream since I was a little girl, but as a young woman, I never understood what a truly good man was all about. It took me many years and some unfortunate mistakes along the way on my broken road to learn what I could have learned in five minutes if I had had someone like you to guide me when I was a young woman.


So, for all the young ladies out there, life can be tough and rough, but it is always blessed when you marry your true prince. And I’ve been on both sides of the kingdom!



You CAN Find A True Prince…If You Know What’s Important




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