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🎧 Deep Dive Podcast:




Call of the Day: Highway Driving Freaks Me Out
By Dr. Laura on July 5, 2024

Dr. Laura helps Amelia understand what causes her to have panic attacks when she's behind the wheel of her car.

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sex Deep Dive

Deep Dive: Marital Sex Matters
By Dr. Laura on July 4, 2024

It may not top your list of priorities, but there's almost zero chance sex isn't top of mind for your husband. If you need motivation moving sex off the back burner, don't miss today's...

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Call of the Day: Our Dad is Gone, and We're Not Sad
By Dr. Laura on July 4, 2024

Jayme's dad was cremated after his death, and none of his children want to take ownership of his ashes.

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Call of the Day: I Feel Like a Boob
By Dr. Laura on July 3, 2024

Amber feels stupid for going out of her way to help her son because he doesn't show her any appreciation.

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Call of the Day: His Ghosting Is Haunting Me
By Dr. Laura on July 2, 2024

Dr. Laura prescribes a quick and easy remedy to Sara who can’t get over being ghosted.

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Call of the Day: Grief Has Turned My Life Upside-Down
By Dr. Laura on July 2, 2024

Stacy feels overwhelmed with balancing intense grief and keeping up with her previous routine.

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Call of the Day: I Do What My Husband Wants
By Dr. Laura on July 1, 2024

Karla's unwillingness to think for herself and stand up to her husband is ruining her relationship with her daughter.

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Call of the Day: I Don't Know How to Live on My Own
By Dr. Laura on June 28, 2024

Michael is newly divorced and floundering since his ex-wife ran their home and did practically everything for him.

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Call of the Day: I Keep Reliving My Abandonment
By Dr. Laura on June 28, 2024

Despite past abandonments, Dr. Laura shows Carrie that her life is filled with people who stepped up and committed themselves to her.

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