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Topic: Bad Childhood

Bad Childhood

Blog: You Don’t Have to Keep Living Your Childhood Pain
By Dr. Laura on October 24, 2022

Early life experiences with family largely determine how neuronal patterns are established in the brain. If you dealt with cruel and negligent family members, you thought this was how the...

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Mourning My Mother
By Dr. Laura on October 21, 2022

Cheryl stopped speaking to her abusive mother twenty years ago but finds herself dealing with a mix of emotions now that her mom has died.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I Feel Like I Didn't Matter
By Dr. Laura on October 19, 2022

Heather was molested as a child and has never gotten over the unjust way she believes her abuse was handled by her family.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: My Past Is Damaging the Present
By Dr. Laura on October 14, 2022

Ann really needs to get some things off her chest but says her husband gets uncomfortable when she tries to talk to him about her painful childhood.

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: I Can't Get Along With My Mom
By Dr. Laura on August 2, 2022

Nikoly isn't sure how to improve his relationship with his adoptive mother who has a lot of problems and causes chaos in Nikoly's life. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Let go of her and hold on to your...

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: Should I Give My Mom Another Chance?
By Dr. Laura on July 29, 2022

Desiree's mom is a recovering addict who threatens to kill herself if Desiree doesn't visit her. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Addicts don't suddenly become better people when they stop using."

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: My Childhood Is Ruining My Life
By Dr. Laura on July 22, 2022

Angela's physical and emotional health is deteriorating as she deals with the sexual abuse she experienced as a child. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "While help was something you never had when you needed...

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Bad Childhood

COTD Podcast: Am I Obligated to Have a Relationship With My Dad?
By Dr. Laura on June 19, 2022

Ashley's estranged father is sick, old and alone, and she's wondering if she should try to rekindle a relationship with him. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Circumstances may have changed, but that doesn't...

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Bad Childhood

Call of the Day Podcast: My Mom is Mean to Me
By Dr. Laura on June 2, 2022

Lindsey thinks her Asperger's syndrome is the reason her mom has been cruel to her, but Dr. Laura helps her understand that her mother is the true problem. Dr. Laura: "Don't take her...

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