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Topic: Confrontation


Call of the Day: My Dad's Not Stepping Up
By Dr. Laura on May 22, 2024

Nori has had some recent setbacks, and she's wondering why her dad isn't trying harder to help her.

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Call of the Day: My Daughter Lashes Out at Me
By Dr. Laura on May 20, 2024

Jessica wonders if her husband's suicide is the cause of her daughter's bad temperament.

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Call of the Day: My Husband Called Our Daughter Trash
By Dr. Laura on May 14, 2024

Star's husband is outraged that their adult daughter got a tattoo, and he doesn't understand why his wife is not as upset as he is.

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Call of the Day: I Want My Mom Back
By Dr. Laura on April 26, 2024

Derek wants to reconcile with his mom after she and his step father kicked him out of their home.

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Call of the Day: How Do I Reconcile With My Sister?
By Dr. Laura on April 26, 2024

It's been 10 years since Marion has spoken to her sister, and she has no idea of where to start to make amends.

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Call of the Day: How Do I Handle My Mom's Negativity?
By Dr. Laura on April 12, 2024

Ann's mom was never a warm, loving mommy. Now that she's getting old and more dependent, Ann is having a hard time being compassionate and tolerant of her mom's negative personality.

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Call of the Day: To Heck With Keeping the Peace
By Dr. Laura on April 9, 2024

Alissa is ready to strike her brother and his girlfriend off her wedding guest list because of the gossip they've spread about her.

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Call of the Day: My Kids Don't Approve of My Man
By Dr. Laura on April 5, 2024

Cindy's adult children want her to dump the man she's dating because he's just too quiet for them.

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Call of the Day: Our Daughter Cut Us Off
By Dr. Laura on March 22, 2024

Richard and his wife are contemplating never letting their daughter know when one of them dies because they are upset that she doesn't call or visit them anymore.

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