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🎧 Deep Dive Podcast:



Topic: Friendship


Call of the Day Podcast: I'm at a Crossroads With My Friend
By Dr. Laura on November 11, 2022

Sarah wonders if she should confront her friend of 30 years who is not as kind and supportive as she used to be.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Why Do I Let My Friend Walk All Over Me?
By Dr. Laura on October 21, 2022

Alissa explores with Dr. Laura why she continues to make plans with a friend who consistently cancels at the last minute.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Feel Like a Bad Friend
By Dr. Laura on October 20, 2022

Kristin would like Dr. Laura's take on an interaction with her friend that she worries she may have mishandled.

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COTD Podcast: My Friends Are Gossiping About My Late Husband
By Dr. Laura on October 14, 2022

The happy memories Lisa has of her deceased husband are being distorted by rumors her friends are circulating.

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Friend is a Cheater
By Dr. Laura on September 23, 2022

Robin is unhappy with her new friend who revealed that she cheated on her husband with her brother-in-law. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Keep away from destructive people."

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Friend Threw Me Under The Bus
By Dr. Laura on August 19, 2022

Violet and her friend were caught sneaking around with boys and her friend blamed the whole thing on Violet. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "Work on becoming the kind of girl who attracts higher caliber...

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Call of the Day Podcast: We Need Space From Our Friends
By Dr. Laura on August 12, 2022

Leslie and her husband are ready to move on from traveling with their long-time friends, but what's the right way to let them know? πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "You cannot constrain your life in order...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Don't Like My Friend's Husband
By Dr. Laura on July 19, 2022

Kassie doesn't want to see or discuss her friend's husband after learning about the abusive ways he has treated his wife. πŸ’‘Dr. Laura: "You have the right to decide who and what you allow...

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Email of the Day: I Learned the Hard Way Who Was a True Friend
By Dr. Laura on June 28, 2022

I had four β€œfriends” who systematically watched me struggle with an unexplained health issue for four years. I went from a healthy, active person to being unable to walk, and needing to...

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