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Topic: In Laws


Call of the Day Podcast: My Hubby Wants More Sex
By Dr. Laura on May 29, 2023

It would make Kelly's husband happy to see her in lingerie, but she hasn't felt sexy since having kids and gaining weight.

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Mad at My Sister-in-Law
By Dr. Laura on May 26, 2023

Gloria isn't sure she wants to accept the apology from her husband's sister who pouted through and refused to participate in his memorial service.

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Call of the Day Podcast: That Wasn't Fair!
By Dr. Laura on May 23, 2023

Is it wrong for Harold to be annoyed that his mother-in-law showed favoritism and more care for his wife's sister than for his wife?

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Wish My In-Laws Cared More
By Dr. Laura on March 24, 2023

Jennifer is upset that her in-laws don't seem more concerned or empathetic about a tragedy her side of the family is dealing with.

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Call of the Day Podcast: Does Our Daughter Need Our Help?
By Dr. Laura on February 15, 2023

Julie's daughter is feeling pressure from her future in-laws to hire their daughter as her wedding photographer.

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Call of the Day Podcast: My In-Laws Aren't Good to My Kids
By Dr. Laura on February 6, 2023

Sandie is upset that her husband's parents don't do more to show love to their grandchildren.

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Husband's Mom Isn't Motherly
By Dr. Laura on January 25, 2023

Is it wrong for Liz to want more attention and nurturing from her mother-in-law?

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Sister-in-Law's Post Infuriates Me
By Dr. Laura on November 18, 2022

Should Claudia respond to her sister-in-law's Facebook post condemning political preferences she doesn't agree with?

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Have In-Law Issues
By Dr. Laura on November 1, 2022

Kristin wants to spend more time with her own loving parents instead of honoring her husband's desire to spend equal time during the holidays with his hard-to-get-along-with with family.

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