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Topic: Workplace


Call of the Day Podcast: A Business Deal Ruined My Relationship
By Dr. Laura on April 2, 2022

A business deal destroyed Steve's relationship with his best friend, and he can't get past losing such an important person in his life. Dr. Laura: "It's OK to miss what's missing from...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Employee Thinks I'm Condescending
By Dr. Laura on March 10, 2022

Tim runs a construction company and has at least one employee who finds the way Tim manages to be somewhat demeaning. Dr. Laura: "The best managers don't just lead, they encourage."

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Business Partner is Betraying Me
By Dr. Laura on October 4, 2021

Kelsey is on the outs with her friend and business partner because of a disagreement about how to run their company. Dr. Laura: "Feelings and emotion don't belong in professional...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Put Others Before My Own Health
By Dr. Laura on June 24, 2021

Shirley needs an operation, but she doesn't want to disappoint the people she works with by taking a leave of absence. Dr. Laura: "You're no help to others if you let your health fall...

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Call of the Day Podcast: I'm Ready to Take on More Responsibility
By Dr. Laura on May 2, 2021

34-year-old Peter works on his family's farm and is frustrated that his uncle wants to keep control instead of passing the torch on to the younger family members. Dr. Laura: "The person...

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Call of the Day Podcast: My Boss is Mean
By Dr. Laura on April 30, 2021

Joy works in the family business and says her boss, who also happens to be her mother, treats her terribly. Dr. Laura: "It's time to start a new life independent from your mother."

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Should Have Kept My Mouth Shut!
By Dr. Laura on March 5, 2021

Judi was caught talking behind a co-worker's back and now her co-workers have turned against her. Dr. Laura: Just say, β€œI caused this rift and ask you both to forgive me.”

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Call of the Day Podcast: I Believe My Boss Is Weak
By Dr. Laura on May 14, 2020

Amber is angry at her boss for being a β€œlimp dick,” but is there anything she can truly do about it? Dr. Laura: "You need to behave like a professional at work...not a pouty teenager."

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