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Call of the Day Podcast

Call of the Day Podcast: Top 40 Countdown (2020)

By Dr. Laura on December 24, 2020
Call of the Day Podcast: Top 40 Countdown

We’ve processed all the data and ranked the calls from number 40 to number 1, and no surprise that the topics cover the gamut from family drama to dating to homeschooling to fears, anxiety and much more...listen below: 

40.) Grandma Is An Alcoholic: Nicholas is concerned for his mother’s relationship with her mom who has a terrible drinking problem. | Dr. Laura: "She’d rather be drunk than be a warm mommy."

39.) I’m Sad Saying Goodbye: Barbara finds herself in tears when heading home after visiting her adult children. | Dr. Laura: "This is about your facing your mortality."

38.) An Uneasy Feeling About My Relationship: Mo’s boyfriend lost a colleague to suicide and now converses with his dead friend’s girlfriend about his suffering. | Dr. Laura: "You’ll have to endure that they may become an item." 

37.) I’m Distraught Over My Sister’s Condition: Donna is spiraling into emotional turmoil after speaking daily with her sister who suffers from alcohol-related dementia. | Dr. Laura: "She drank herself into destroying her body; why do you feel bad for her?"

36.) One Amazing 13-Year-Old Lady!!: Young Melanie shares how her mom’s teachings and Dr. Laura’s words of wisdom have her “doing the right thing!” | Dr. Laura: "I put myself on a pedestal, I take care of myself and am kind to others." 

35.) I’m Anxious In The Passenger Seat: Susanne finds herself facing the demon of anxiety driving across country with her husband behind the wheel. | Dr. Laura: "Don’t let fear enslave you." 

34.) I Worry About Divorce: Linda has been in a rotten marriage for over 3 decades but can’t find the strength to end it. | Dr. Laura: "Don’t let fear enslave you."

33.) Should I Call Their Parents?: Kate worries if she should inform the parents of her teen daughter’s friends who were caught vaping and hiding alcohol. | Dr. Laura: "Be less concerned about YOU and MORE concerned about these children."

32.) I Want To Move Home: Jo would like to move back to her hometown but her husband says he won’t be happy there. | Dr. Laura: "You can’t expect him to embrace your history." 

31.) “Stop Whining, Start Living”: Chris thinks she’s having a hard time letting go of those who have done her wrong in life. Is that truly the case? | Dr. Laura: "You stack up the hurts and embrace them as treasures."

30.) I Didn’t Choose Wisely: After marrying and divorcing a bad guy, Sonia is struggling to raise her child alone. | Dr. Laura: "Character keeps us moving forward when we really mess up."

29.) I Have Animosity Toward My Aunt: Because they had bad parents, Julie’s mom raised a younger sister, and Julie is still hurt and angry. | Dr. Laura: "You can stop getting wet from the rain by coming indoors." 

28.) Homeschooling Game Plan: Lisa is a mom of 3 trying to balance working at home while overseeing their distance learning. | Dr. Laura: "Too many responsibilities? Something has got to give. Don’t let it be your family." 

27.) Finding A Middle Ground With Mom: Melissa has a long history of poor communication and being unable to live up to her mom’s expectations. | Dr. Laura: "Stop being rebellious; be sweet and you’ll see a different “mommy.”

26.) The Jealous Boyfriend: Molly’s older boyfriend of one year gets angry when he’s not the priority in her life. | Dr. Laura: “Is he a man that Dr. Laura would date?!”

25.) My Husband’s Kids Won’t Accept Me: Nancy is in a second marriage and finding that her husband’s adult children are not fond of their Dad’s new union. | Dr. Laura: "His adult children are not required to adore...just to be polite." 

24-1.) I Worry Too Much - Part 1: In the past year, Emily has been dealing with anxiety and assuming she’s offending others. | Dr. Laura: "Getting “unstuck” in this transition to independence."

24-2.) I Worry Too Much - Part 2: In the conclusion to this 2-part episode, Emily reveals how she was more focused on the symptoms vs. the core issue for her anxiety. | Dr. Laura: "There is no change. There is no therapy without resistance."

23.) "A Sad Mommy Day”: Mallory is having a rough day as a mommy of a 2-year-old child and is quite upset. | Dr. Laura: "It’s not going to be like this forever, it’s just right now." 

22.) Can I Ask Him To Stop Complaining?: Laura’s husband is griping about visiting her family despite being given the option not to go. | Dr. Laura: "Sit on his lap and tell him how grateful you are that he is sacrificing for you." 

21.) Is My Husband Insensitive?: Megan unexpectedly lost her mother and she’s upset with her husband’s handling of the tragedy. | Dr. Laura: "Just hold her and shut up." 

20.) Why Am I Uncomfortable?: Dolo can’t put her finger on why she’s troubled with discomfort over the man she’s dating and sleeping with. | Dr. Laura: "Knead the dough to make the bread. You just want it to be bread." 

19.) “Side-Seat Driver”: Ken can’t understand why his wife declines to drive but when she’s in the passenger seat she’ll “do all the driving!” | Dr. Laura: "Back seat drivers want the power without the responsibility."

18.) The Inheritance Dilemma: Rose is due to inherit a large sum of wealth but fears her husband will blow through it as he did once before. | Dr. Laura: "History repeats itself when you don’t confront it." 

17.) You Kept Me Grounded Raising My Son: "Andrea thanks Dr. Laura for guiding her while raising her son as a single mom and avoiding wrongdoing." | Dr. Laura: "That is an amazing woman [ROLE MODEL]!"

16.) Am I A Bad Therapist?: Victoria wonders if she’s doing more harm than good as a young psychotherapist. | Dr. Laura: "Even discussion of process of therapy is therapeutic." 

15.) My Husband Watches Pornography: Letty doesn’t know what to do with her husband of 25 years who’s been watching porn for 23 years of it! | Dr. Laura: "Between now and dead is THIS how you want to live?" 

14.) I'm Terrified Of Snakes!: Young Magdalena is so scared of being attacked by the elongated, legless reptiles that she fears playing outside her own home. | Dr. Laura: "Yeah, you're right to be scared, so be prepared!" 

13.) “Why Is This Happening Now?!”: Molested at age five, Nicole now faces long-term damage as an adult. | Dr. Laura: "In truth...you should be more angry with your mother!" 

12.) Can I Get My Granddaughter To Listen?: Gaile’s 23-year-old granddaughter, who she has raised, refuses to listen to her “words of wisdom.” | Dr. Laura: "It’s time for her to leave the nest." 

11-1.) Disconnect In Our Marriage - Part 1: Elissa feels rejected and saddened because her husband Rene can’t seem to open up to her. | Dr. Laura: "Reveal the secret to your problem in order to be happy." 

11-2.) Disconnect In Our Marriage - Part 2: In the conclusion to this 2-part episode, Renee discovers what’s been preventing him from being closer to his wife. | Dr. Laura: "You can be loving and vulnerable and not lose your strength."

10.) I Can’t Get Over The Pain and Loss: Mark came out to his parents 12 years ago and it instantly turned into them feeling bad for themselves ending their relationship. | Dr. Laura: "Now you can have “tears of relief” …" 

9.) My Child Is Having Troubling Thoughts: Brittany’s 4-year-old daughter has recently developed a habit of “bad thoughts” which she finds disturbing. | Dr. Laura: "Good people can have bad thoughts but don’t act on them." 

8.) Get Out Of My House!!: Mary’s brother continues to live in her basement despite being asked to leave. | Dr. Laura: "Time to be angry!"

7.) I Fear Cancer’s Return: Emily’s been in remission from breast cancer, but since her mom’s passing from lung cancer she’s scared it will recur. | Dr. Laura: "It could be worse but it's not." 

6.) Should I Send My Son Back To Private School?: Should I Send My Son Back To Private School? | Dr. Laura: "Smartphones and video games are "poison" to a kid."

5.) My Teen Son Came Clean: After taking a marijuana-laced gummi bear, Sarah’s son came to her with the truth of what he’d done. | Dr. Laura: "Be happy...you have a GOOD RELATIONSHIP with your child."

4-1.) My Cousin Wants To Speak To Me - Part 1: Melissa’s bad cousin is reaching out to her after they parted ways seven years ago. | Dr. Laura: "Just ask her what she wants."

4-2.) My Cousin Wants To Speak To Me - Part 2: Melissa updates Dr. Laura on what her cousin’s true intentions were after reaching out several years later. | Dr. Laura: "Mama Laura said “lets face it”; you did and you’re more relaxed."

3.) I'm Not Getting The Sympathy I Need: Celia is upset that her in-laws have apparently stopped showing care and concern over the loss of her mom to COVID-19 … or have they? | Dr. Laura: "Honor the memory of your mother." 

2.) I Fear Rejection: Katia's thoughts of her past divorce are overwhelming her ability to commit to her current relationship. | Dr. Laura: "Cut this crap out or you'll lose him." 

1.) Avoiding “The 10 Stupid Things Women Do”: Jen’s 16-year-old daughter inquired about contraceptives only to receive Dr. Laura’s book, “The 10 Stupid Things Women Do” instead. | Dr. Laura: "What’s important is that you tell your daughter the truth." 

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