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Email of the Day: A "Fishy" Story Sealed The Deal For Me

By Dr. Laura on August 9, 2023
Black cat sniffs fish head

Almost 40 years ago, my “sweetie” invited me and my dad on a fishing trip. We did not do well and only caught a few fish.



On our way home, on a very hot summer day, the boat trailer got a flat. When the two men tried to change the tire, the spare wouldn’t fit, so we were stranded on a highway in the middle of nowhere with no specialized tools to fix the problem. Dad and I stayed with the boat and trailer on the side of the highway, while my boyfriend went to get the items needed to fix it and get us home. Although we were all tired, hot, hungry and disappointed, no cross words were spoken, and we tried to make light of a very frustrating day.


Later that day, my boyfriend cleaned the measly two fish we caught before preparing to cook them. When he turned away, my seafood-loving cat stole one of the filets and ran under the table to eat it! He grabbed the cat, but she wouldn’t let go of the fish. So, he held the cat in the air and stared her down until she released the fish filet. I knew at that point that he was the man for me!


We got married several years later and are still going strong! No fish or cats have been harmed during that time.




A "Fishy" Story Sealed The Deal For Me


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