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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: All The Things I Love About My Husband

By Dr. Laura on July 11, 2022
Email of the Day: All The Things I Love About My Husband

I’ve been married for thirteen years, and your book, β€œThe Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands” renewed my view of finding joy in my husband.

Recently, I was feeling negatively toward him, but I remembered how important it was to think positively, so I grabbed a pen and a notebook, and immediately wrote down a list of his negative traits. Then I turned the page and wrote an even longer list of his wonderful and positive traits. Without even thinking, I ripped out the page of positive, wonderful traits and walked it right over to him, saying β€œIn case you ever wonder, these are all the things I love about you.” He smiled and thanked me.

Later in the week, I was looking for something in his drawer and he had the paper on top of a pile he keeps of things to save. I’m so glad I did it!



All The Things I Love About My Husband




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