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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Choose Your Love and Love Your Choice

By Dr. Laura on January 12, 2023
Email of the Day: Choose Your Love and Love Your Choice

I smile every time you say β€œChoose wisely; treat kindly.” My mom’s version of the same advice was β€œChoose your love; love your choice.”


After getting to know me for a few weeks around campus, my now-husband asked me out for a real dinner date on Valentine’s Day and called to ask my dad. β€œSure,” my dad replied. β€œMake reservations for four and we’ll meet you there at 7:30.” So, our first real date was with my parents! My dad had a man-to-man talk with him about what dating meant and didn’t mean, and my husband proved his character in the way he handled that first serious conversation.


We’ve now been married almost twenty years and have five children. He respects and values me, earning my love. He is a man of honor, character, integrity, responsibility and worthy of the utmost admiration and respect. I chose my love well, and now I love my choice.


Thank you for encouraging women to be picky, to hold out for the gold, and to remember that who they choose deserves their best each day.



Choose Your Love and Love Your Choice



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