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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: Family Is My First Priority

By Dr. Laura on October 28, 2021
Email of the Day: Family Is My First Priority

I am 37 years old, married, and have two young children. I’ve been listening to you since I was a little girl, and I cannot tell you how many times your advice and books have corrected my course. One of the greatest impacts happened three years ago, when my husband and I had some marital problems until I read The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. I think I was only two pages in when I got a reality check and felt ashamed. I read β€œWomen will resent the hell out of a good man….” Truer words have never been spoken. We once again have a deeply loving and passionate relationship.


I own an engineering consulting business and work at home when my kids are sleeping. I cook every day, clean, volunteer for all school functions, take my kids to ballet, gymnastics and play dates, and am here for them every day. Family is my priority. I will never regret that. I hope more women open their eyes to what they are losing when they sacrifice family for their careers and vanity, and stop being arrogant and catty toward those of us who make our husbands and kids our top priority.



Family Is My First Priority



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Order Dr. Laura's book "The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands" - In her most provocative book yet, Dr. Laura urgently reminds women that to take proper care of their husbands is to ensure themselves the happiness and satisfaction they yearn for in marriage.


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