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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: I Almost Walked Away From My Marriage

By Dr. Laura on June 7, 2022
Email of the Day: I Almost Walked Away From My Marriage

Recently, I almost walked away from my 32-year marriage. It wasnโ€™t until after I met with a divorce attorney and thought about all the callers youโ€™ve had that I realized I had married a wonderful man who took good care of me and our sons. I was the one who was angry, petulant and unyielding. I was a wife I wouldnโ€™t want to come home to. I had put caring for my aging parents first, followed by our children, the dog and myself before our marriage. I thought about how stupid I had been telling myself that we had โ€œgrown apart,โ€ and โ€œfallen out of love,โ€ but I decided that I would make the commitment to work on being the wife my husband deserved.


Over the last month, Iโ€™ve treated my husband with kindness and gratitude. I set up date nights, and hug him when he leaves for work and when he gets home. Iโ€™ve cooked his favorite meals and texted him loving sentiments during the day. Iโ€™ve learned that spending money on racy lingerie is a better investment than paying a divorce attorney, too. Best of all, Iโ€™m now the wife he looks forward to seeing when he comes home and one of my sons said โ€œDad seems really happy these days.โ€


I took your Marriage 101 video course and know that is just part of the important work I need to do to make sure I never come close to making the mistake I nearly made. I now put my husband and our marriage first. Everything else can wait.



I Almost Walked Away From My Marriage




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