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Do The Right Thing

Email of the Day: I Do The Right Thing Because It’s The Right Thing to Do

By Dr. Laura on August 2, 2022
Email of the Day: I Do The Right Thing Because It’s The Right Thing to Do

I’ve worked in the mental health field for my entire 30-year career. I’ve worked with kids in residential placements, did crisis work with children and adults, and now I’m a therapist myself. Often, when sitting with clients, I think of answers for them that come in your voice, and I tell them that therapy is not simply talking about our problems, but finding morally acceptable solutions and then acting on them. I’m not the kind of therapist who simply makes “noises” of affirmation while my clients talk to me. I now work in a high school with teenagers and find that I often act as a mom to many of them. I tell them to choose what is right, even when it’s hard, and not give in to the dictates of society. And they appreciate it!


I realize what a huge influence you’ve been on me, and in doing the work that I do with my own clients. I’m a firm believer in the “antiquated” ideas of doing the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. I often help my clients find what they should be doing to be the kind of person they can be proud of. I try to help them solve their problems in honest, moral, kind ways. It can be very hard work, but it’s immensely rewarding.

Thank you for continuing to do the right thing by your callers, and for not giving up when society moves so far out of good sense.



I Do The Right Thing Because It’s The Right Thing to Do





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