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P.C.F.H. / Marriage 101

Email of the Day: I Give My Husband the Love He Wants

By Dr. Laura on March 20, 2024
Woman and man hold hands while laying down and facing each other

I recently heard you read an email on-air from a woman who discussed the significance of knowing her husbandโ€™s love language. I didnโ€™t know about this concept at the beginning of my marriage, and I want to share how much has changed since!


Out of the five love languages โ€” acts of service, words of affirmation, gift giving, physical touch and quality time โ€” I relate most to acts of service. I feel most loved by my husband and kids when they do kind acts for me. Thatโ€™s also how I demonstrate love to them.  


I thought I was such a good wife by doing things for my husband. But I was unsatisfiedโ€” why didnโ€™t he do things that I desired? He was also unhappy. I wasnโ€™t showing the love he wanted physical touch. Iโ€™m not touchy-feely, but I made the effort to be more affectionate after learning about love languages. In turn, my husband began to express his love in ways that made me feel cherished. This concept has tremendously helped our marriage.


We may not share the same type of love language, but we sure make it work!  



Thanks for everything you do,


I Give My Husband the Love He Wants


What changes did you make for the better of your marriage or relationship? Click the button below or email your stories to me at drlaura@drlaura.com!


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